The effect of ZMA supplementation on inflammatory factors of muscle injury (CK and LDH) following a bout of eccentric resistance exercise in non-athlete woman aged 18 to 28 years

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 MSc of sports nutrition, Department of physical education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of exercise physiology, Department of physical education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of exercise physiology, Department of physical education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran.



After an eccentric resistance exercise, athletes experience some degree of muscle soreness such as delayed muscle soreness. Following this damage, inflammatory factors are released into the bloodstream. The aim of current study was to find out the effect of ZMA supplementation on inflammatory factors of muscle injury (CK and LDH) following a bout of eccentric resistance exercise in non-athlete women. For this purpose, young and healthy women aged 18 to 28 years with a body mass index of 20 to 25 were used. Individuals were randomly divided into three groups of ten, including: 1- eccentric resistance exercise and ZMA supplementation, 2- eccentric resistance exercise and placebo, and 3- eccentric resistance exercise without supplementation and placebo. All three groups participated in an eccentric resistance exercise (lying leg curl muscles training hamstring yo-life supreme) the day before the test. Individuals underwent group-specific supplementation for two weeks. Then, the groups participated in the same eccentric resistance exercise as before. Blood samples were collected before and after physical activity and CK and LDH levels were assessed. The results showed that CK and LDH levels increased after eccentric resistance exercise in each group, although it was not significant for all studied groups and no significant difference was observed between the three groups after supplementation (P> 0.05). Eccentric resistance exercise seems to increase muscle injury as an indicator of muscle contusion in non-athlete women, and 14 days of supplementation with ZMA does not significantly reduce muscle injury.


  • Receive Date: 28 November 2021
  • Revise Date: 08 February 2022
  • Accept Date: 20 February 2022
  • First Publish Date: 14 March 2022