REN is an Open Access online journal, which provides quarterly publication of original research articles, review articles, letters and guest-edited single topic issues in all areas related to the effect of nutrition on all aspects of the physiological process during exercise which encompasses metabolic, hormonal, immunological, metabolic disorders, nutrigenomics, toxicological. REN considers the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. REN uses a double-blind approach for peer-reviewing of manuscripts, in which, the reviewer's name is always concealed from the submitting authors as well as the author(s)'s name from the selected reviewers. The submission with REN is free of charge and each peer-reviewed article that is published in REN is universally and freely accessible via the Internet in an easily readable and printable PDF format.
Manuscripts must be submitted by authors via online submission and tracking service at
Manuscripts must be prepared based on either in the standard UK or US English language. English standards should be consistent throughout the manuscripts accordingly. Manuscript with poor English and grammatical errors will be rejected by the editor, thus, Non-native speakers of English are advised to send their manuscript to copyediting services by native speakers of English.
The corresponding author should submit a Cover Letter along with the manuscript, on behalf of all the co-authors (if any), and must be stated that the manuscript is original and has not been published previously either wholly or in part. The designing research protocol, drafting and revising the manuscript submitted to the REN must be approved by all authors. The research protocol with human or animal subjects reported in the manuscript must be performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki in 1975 (last updated in 2008) and the International Principles governing research with human beings and animals. The research protocols of Human studies are required to be approved by the ethics committee (insert code in manuscript) and to obtain informed consent from participants. The conflict of interest should be addressed by the authors in the manuscript.
Manuscripts must be prepared as Microsoft Word (.doc) file, in A4 paper size with margins 1 inch or 2.5 cm all around. The manuscript text must be typed double-spaced, justified alignment, with line numbers (continuous) for the convenience of the reviewers. Manuscript pages should be consecutively Numbered (Arabic numerals) at the bottom and center of each page. References should be based on the Vancouver style and placed by EndNote software.
Manuscripts text should be divided into:
The general title of the article should be clear and express the general content of the article.
A comprehensive description of the article with a limited number of words (maximum 250 words or ten lines) including an overview of the problem statement, purpose, research method and findings.
Contains 5 to 7 specialized words that are more important in the text of the article than other words.
Includes mentioning the purpose and research background of the article (briefly).
Accurate and clear explanation about the research design, population and statistical sample, materials and methods of measurement and statistical methods.
Full description of the research findings (without providing the identity information of the subjects) in the form of various tables and graphs.
Analyzing the findings by comparing it with the findings of other studies, justifying and interpreting the commonalities and differences and expressing the possible application of the findings.
Mention the general conclusion of the research and provide suggestions from the research findings.
Appreciation and thanks to individuals and legal entities and supporters of research at the end of the article.
English abstract: With font Times New Roman, size 11 (up to 1000 words).
It should be noted that the content of the English abstract must be completely consistent with the Persian abstract.
All references, including Persian references, should be given in English.
Catalog article references in Vancouver style using Endonote software,
Surname of the author (distance) Letter or initials Small name (dot) Book name (dot) Editing number (dot) Place of publication (:) Nash (;) Year of publication (dot):
For example:
Morrato EH, Hill JO, Wyatt HR, Ghushchyan V, Sullivan PW. Are health care professionals advising patients with diabetes or at risk for developing diabetes to exercise more? Diabetes care. 2006;29(3):543-8
Research in Exercise Nutrition (REN) use a double-blind peer review process to review all types of manuscript and all submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by two members of the editorial board and one outside reviewer, who will be asked to review the manuscript for scientific content, innovation and soundness and whether or not the manuscript is sufficiently clear for publication. The authors are responsible for the content and the ethics of everything that is in the paper. For more information, see the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
REN is an open-access journal that obeys open access publishing policy, authors are requested to sign and transfer copyright to REN. However, after the publication of the article in REN, the authors have the right to share their articles with scientific societies.